Youtube & Google+ policy updates = crap

What is it with Google lately? I’ve had a YouTube account for more than 6 years. It was a great platform for finding and commenting on videos of interest.

Now Google has been trying to shove Google+ down my throat on nearly every visit. And all this after repeatedly indicating to them that I’m not interested.

Their mantra of “don’t be evil” may be the case, but they’ve seemed to stick to a new policy of “be most annoying” until the user gives in. Repeatedly I have had to click through their intrusive pop-up (which usually pops up just as a video plays) and tell them “No” I am not interested in using my real name on youtube, and no I do not wish to have a Google+ page created for me. The pop up itself needs careful reading. They tell you that you can “keep your channel name” which implies that your username stays put. But it seems that they are doing this only as a trick, as your name for commenting will change to your real name.

Real names are fine when you are in a closed ecosystem like facebook. Everyone of your friends is presumably known by you. Youtube is a different kettle of fish in that you’re interacting mainly with people that are outside of your social sphere. Therefore it’s not unreasonable to expect a little bit of privacy. It’s even been pointed out by Google themselves in a post a few years back that online privacy should be maintained and real names not revealed for safety reasons.

The second gripe is that I do not want your failed social media page thrust on to me. I am quite happy with Facebook. It’s quite clear that your pet project didn’t take off organically, so now you want to reach that critical mass by force. And no one is happy with this! Let people join the service on its own merits instead of relying on a bait and switch tactic.

Google, you have some great products. I love gmail, search, finance, keep etc. But by forcing yourselves onto users against their wishes and breaking the anonymity model you have alienated a whole bunch of users and not making any friends in the process. No company should take their success for granted, and people can be fickle when it comes to technology. If you create something good it’s a win/win situation for everyone.

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